laupäev, 2. jaanuar 2016
reede, 1. jaanuar 2016
teisipäev, 29. detsember 2015
Banana Pudding Cheesecake
Banana Pudding Cheesecake

A no bake Banana Pudding Cheesecake is easy to make and sure to be a hit with banana cream pie and cheesecake lovers alike!
Prep time: PT20MCook time: PT7M
Total time: PT5H27M
Yield: 1 Pie
- 1 2/3 cup Graham Crackers, Crushed (about 12 whole crackers)
- 1/4 cup Granulated Sugar
- 1/2 cup Butter, Melted
- 2/3 cup Granulated Sugar
- 1/3 cup Flour
- 1 pinch Sea Salt
- 2 cups Milk
- 3 whole Egg Yolks, Whisked
- 1 1/2 teaspoons Vanilla Extract
- 16 ounces Cream Cheese, Room Temperature
- 4 whole Bananas, Sliced
- For Serving: Whip Cream and Additional Sliced Banana
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
- In a large bowl add graham cracker crumbs and 1/4 cup sugar, mix until well combined. Drizzle in melted butter and mix well. Press graham cracker mixture evenly into the bottom of a 9 inch pie plate. Bake for 7 minutes or until light brown, cool completely.
- To make Vanilla Pudding: In a large saucepan whisk together 2/3 cup granulated sugar with flour and salt until well combined. Slowly whisk in milk until smooth.
- Bring mixture to a simmer while stirring over medium heat. Cook until thickened.
- Slowly stir in 2 cups of thickened cooked milk mixture into the egg yolks. (This is not additional milk)
- Add egg yolks back to the pan and continue to stir while returning mixture to a simmer. Cook until thickened and the consistency of pudding.
- Remove from heat and stir in vanilla extract.
- Beat cream cheese until smooth and creamy. Add pudding mixture to cream cheese and mix until well combined, scraping sides of bowl well.
- Cover bottom of graham cracker crust with 1/3 banana pudding cheesecake mixture. Add sliced bananas and cover with remaining cheesecake mixture.
- Refrigerate cheesecake until cold or overnight.
- Serve with whip cream and additional sliced banana.
Tuleb mees koju ja ütleb ämmale: „Vanamutt, kima õige poodi õlle järgi.“ Ämm „No mida veel. Ega ikka lähe.“ Mees viskab ämmale 50 euri ja ütleb: „Käi ära. Too kast õlut. Mis rahast jääb üle, saad omale.“ Ämm pidas hetke aru, leidis, et üsna kenasti jääb rahakest järgi ja käiski poes ära. Vennike vedas õllega kenasti tuurid üles. Mõne aja pärast leidis, et peab asjaga edasi liikuma ja ütles ämmale: „Siin on veel 50 euri. Mine too paar viina. Ja tagasi pole raha vaja...“ Ämm klohmerdas rõõmsalt uuesti poodi. Ja väimees tõmbas end korralikult rihmaks. Otsustas siis, et mutt teeb raha eest paljutki ja ütles: „Siin on sada euri. Saad selle, aga tahan sulle kalossiga vastu pead virutada. Kõige eest, mis sa mu kohta öelnud oled.“ Ämm mõtles pisut ja nõustus. 100euri on 100 euri. Mis see väike muhk ikka teeb, aga lisaraha kulub ju alati ära. Väimees annab raha ja põrutab siis kalossiga kõva matsu, niiet sädemed lendavad... Helises telefon. Mees võtab toru ja seal on tema naine, kes küsis: „Kas sa mu emale andsid tema pensioni?“ Mees: „Ma siin vähehaaval talle tilgutan jah...“
you said..
Ütlesid, et hoolid. See oli ka kõik. Hoolid millest? Minust? Endast? Ometi mitte meist. Meid polnud kunagi. Olid sina. Oma soovide ja tahtmistega. Olin mina. Oma soovidega. Tahtmistega. Need ristusid aeg-ajalt. Ja kõik muu oli... Midagi. Hetkel ma kahtlen, kas ja palju sa hoolisid. Minust. Kui isikust. Pigem nautisid seda, et olin olemas. Kas sa vajasid mind või mitte. Sul oli teadmine, et olen. Sa hoolisid minu hoolimisest. Nautisid seda, mida sul endal polnud kusagilt võtta. Sa jagasid seda, mida sul kellegagi jagada polnud. Nagu oli ja samas olid sa võõras omade seas. Sa nautisid seda, mis muidu puudu oli... Olin see mina või oli see lihtsalt tunne?
Sa teadsid, et sõpru ei reedeta. Teadsid, et ma ei reeda, ei peta, ei lähe... Ent sina läksid. Esimese raskuse juures. Raskuse juures, mis on minu raskus. Sina oleks võinud lihtsalt hoolida...
Sa teadsid, et sõpru ei reedeta. Teadsid, et ma ei reeda, ei peta, ei lähe... Ent sina läksid. Esimese raskuse juures. Raskuse juures, mis on minu raskus. Sina oleks võinud lihtsalt hoolida...
See me:D
See me.
I am not where you think.
As I walk among you,
you hunger for me
and never know why.
Want me.
I am not forbidden to your caress.
Your eyes enfold me
as your hands not,
with a smile, I pull you close.
Follow me.
I am not who you touch.
Call me Desire
and know I will fill for you
only your most secret needs.
Fear me.
I am not what you see.
Ecstasy meld your body to mine.
The taste of your skin,
the scent of your blood,
the texture of your flesh in my mouth
fulfills me;
sates me.
My :D
A lack of discipline.
One hand to cut the other. So unprofessional, You're not a friend, You're just a lover. I'm the opposite of serious, but it's important to take me seriously. Give me your heart & I'll suffocate it with my Ego. I don't like being lead on, but I flirt without intent of following through. I'm a mess of contradictions, but I'm different, just like everyone else. I'm as european as I pretend to be, so I'm pretty fuckin' european. But I'm only as far across the globe as my fingers stretch out. Filipina, Chinese, American, Spanish, Russian & British. I have an accent if you want me to have one. I'm as old as my Legal Identification says I'm not. So I'm not of legal drinking consent, but I do it anyways. Duh? I'm told I was born in A Vagina, so let's just go with that. I'm also told I look really old. 387 is a good age isn't it? Don't ask me where I'm from, that's hardly of any relevance. What if I'm a Robot? But, I'm actually a Shark. I go to clubs to dance & meet girls, not to suck face or fuck random guys. I like having friends that share the same interests as me. I believe I'm running out of lung capacity. Cigarettes could make us good friends; as long as you don't smoke Reds. Gross. I love guys & I like girls. I have a thing for shiny underwear and spiky shoes. I think it'd be nice to have guy best friends that don't try to fuck or kiss me when we snuggle. I'm not Down To Fuck [DTF] & I will never be, so don't ask me to hook up or hang out with your twisted intentions. I know how to read inbetween most lines & contexts, I'd like to think you can't get much past me, allthough I am an airhead. I'm in love with eyes that aren't brown, but if you're eyes are bright, you've got my attention. I like million dollar smiles, but I don't have one. You can't trust what I say to you when I'm drunk. I like applesauce. Vodka is my 3rd middle name. Whales are my distant cousins. I like water. I don't fuck around with 12 year old games. Drama is beyond my time, nature & patience. Thanks. Getting to know me isn't a waste of time. But it's alot of patience. Be prepared. I'm not easy to please, I might tear you apart. I'm only going to break your heart. ♥ |
esmaspäev, 28. detsember 2015
pühapäev, 27. detsember 2015
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